
Of the Love of God is unavailable, but you can change that!

St. Francis de Sales’ treatise on the love of God is divided into twelve areas of study: • Introduction to the Whole Treatise • The Origin of Divine Love • The Progress and Perfection of Love • The Decay and Ruin of Charity • The Two Chief Acts of Divine Love, Which Are Complacency and Benevolence • The Practice of Holy Love in Prayer and Meditation • The Union of the Soul...

possessing it, which is joy; flying from what is opposed to it, which is fear; and if overtaken thereby and suffering, grief. All these passions become evil if the object of love be evil; good if it be good. The inhabitants of the City of God fear, hope, suffer, and rejoice; and because their love is upright so are all their affections. The doctrines of Christianity subject the mind to God, that He should guide and sustain it, and subject all these passions to it, so that, being guided aright, they
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